Inspiring Photographer
One photographer that inspires me is Michael Corridore. I like Corridore for his simple photos that convey a clear feeling, with neat and clean colour schemes that still feel organic. The emptiness in his photos make me feel like there's nothing else in the unique and far away world where the photo was taken, which emphasizes the subjects that hold the emotion of the photo. He's also done interesting work with lighting. While experimental and unnatural lighting can often end up looking botched or messy, have a surreal feeling to them, as they are unnatural but look realistic.

I think Michael Corridore is very good at creating groups of photos that adhere to a specific style. In his project, Whitesville, each photo is unique enough to stand alone as a good photo, but come together brilliantly as a group. As well, while Corridore could have used simply the colours to keep a style, he also did only wide shots with the horizon in almost the exact same place. This is a style of minimalism I like more than others, because it still feels real. The photo's aren't bare, and show a vast expanse of emptiness that doesn't feel synthetic or fake.
In another project, Angry Black Snake, Corridore takes photos in smoke. An exercise in minimalism, Corridore captures the bare minimum in these photos. Only silhouettes can be seen in most photos, but they still evoke a mood or scene that is strongly felt, whether its the victorious hands thrown in the air or the shielding of children's eyes. This one is probably my favourite of his projects, for its colours, and the interesting style that comes from the dust in the air.